 | Autos - I love cars and everything about them! Below is one
of my favorite car related Web sites:
 | Music - My favourite. I hear music all day long
(This fact can be proved coz I have speakers in my bathroom also !!!). Its
very relaxing. As far as music is concerned I know how to play the
tabla, the synthesizer, harmonium etc. I am dying to learn the guitar,
but no time. I usually listen to rock music kinda heavy metal like
Linkin Park, Metallica, Aerosmith, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Led Zeppelin etc. Click Here to go to my Music
Page. Also I have made my own album called ANODYNE
AMBROSIA as DJ Organic. Its kinda like a mix of
trance and chillout music. If anyone interested contact me. |
 | Art - I would take the liberty to say that this is one
God gifted talent I have. Not only do I admire other works but I
myself make oil painting, sketches etc. Check out some of my works in
Photo Gallery. |
 | Books - Now this is what I do during the night time, read
books. My choice varies from Mystery, like Sherlock Holmes, Agatha
Cristie, to Science fiction, like Arthur C. Clarke, Stephen Baxtor,
Orson Scott Card, etc. I am dying to read Da Vinci Code and its sequel
by Dan Brown. Not getting time. The list can
go on and on and on. |
 | Food - Something I cannot forget to mention. I
love food of all types. Especially Mexican, Punjabi, Chinese, and yes
Gujarati. |
 | Exercise - Now after eating all that I have to have some
exercise. Well at the moment I don't get much time for this but yes I
do a little walking on my treadmill at home. I like walking a lot
though. I did go to a gym but now I have no time. |
 | Sports - Tennis is my favorite. I have been
playing for 6 years now. I could have gone in for tournaments but sad
thing never get time. Then there is cricket, basketball, badminton,
table tennis, chess, football, swimming (I like this a lot very
relaxing) etc. Also I love cycling. I could do that all day after all with a 12
gear cycle which I specially got installed from a professional cycle
store giving some of my own hand in getting it done. |
 | Making things - Oh! well now I love making new things.
Doing something new is my passion. I used to make real Stainglass
using pieces of glass. I am just waiting to make a aero-modeling
plane. I also used to do wood work. |
 | Destroying things - To make something you have to destroy
something, for example to make a wooden chair you destroy the trees.
But I like nature so I don't destroy nature but I destroy all kinds of
new gadgets that I get. I always end up opening them to see how they
work and then if a screw is misplaced you had it ! I have already
destroyed a whole new computer, howz that ? |